Interview with Tawny Weber

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How does your day go? What keeps you writing?

I’ve been writing since 2002 and sold my first book to Harlequin Blaze in 2006.  My first release was in 2007 and my newly launched trilogy (SEX, LIES & MISTLETOE 12/11, SEX, LIES AND MIDNIGHT 1/12, SEX, LIES AND VALENTINES 2/11) will be my 12th, 13th and 14th books.  I try to write a lot J

As a rule, I write at night because that’s when life and the house are quietest.  And I’m a lot more in tune to the story when it’s dark out than light.  I write more in winter than summer, for instance.  In part, again, because it’s quieter, but I do think the soothing calm of the darkness feeds my muse.

2. What brought you to writing ? What do you love about it?

I started writing on a dare from my husband, actually.  He’d asked me what my dream career would be.  When I told him my dream career would be as a romance author, but I didn’t think I could he dared me to try.  In the process of learning the craft and the business of writing, I realized that the one thing that’s always brought me back to the genre is love itself.  The affirmation and excitement of reading about two people falling for and committing to each other makes me so happy.  To be able to share a story that explores the depth of a couple’s attraction to each other, and the way that attraction is expressed physically and emotionally is fabulous.

3. What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on my 16th release due out in December 2012. The working title is THE PANTY THIEF CAPER, although that will probably change.  Like most of my books, it’s on the lighter side with a lot of emotions and hot sex between a sheriff’s detective trying to catch a burglar who is breaking into women’s houses, stealing their panties and leaving behind threatening notes and one of the purloined underwear victims.  The heroine is visited by the sisters of past, present and future, all tempting her to make the most of her sexy sheriff’s holiday visit.

4. What is your—or your character’s—favorite romantic book? Sexy movie?

Nora Roberts wrote a series book titled Luring a Lady awhile back that’s stayed with me because of the power of the first love scene.  The hero is a very earthy, sensual artist who makes you think passion from the first page he storms into.  The heroine is reserved, ladylike and battling sexual inhibitions.  In this love scene, the hero grabs her by the arms, lifts her off her feet and takes her against the wall.  Yowza, the intensity of that scene is something that’s stayed with me as a favorite for 20 years.

 5. What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to do? The top thing on your personal bucket list?

I’d love to take a cruise to Greece.  It’s such a romantic, sexy location that inspires the idea for some very hot love scenes.  The brilliant color of the water, the rich culture, the passion.  Someday…

6.         What’s your personal romantic (or erotic) fantasy?

Can I combine my romantic fantasy with my bucket list trip to Greece?  A private yacht, the warmth of the water, and my sexiest hero to fulfill my every fantasy under the dampening heat of the sun.  The elements intensify the power of the passion, with the hot sun and the sensuality of the silky water.  A buffet of fruit and chocolate, and a magnum of champagne would feed any leftover hunger.




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2 Responses to Interview with Tawny Weber

  1. Regina Ross says:

    great interview !!!

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